Discipleship Training

Discipleship Training

This is another important program to be organized by ICPF on a regular manner (weekly / biweekly etc). This aims to impart wholesome teaching of the word of God with a view to mould and develop students as true disciples of Jesus Christ. Remember, only from this group we can identify and train student leaders.

Christian discipleship is the process by which disciples grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and are equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life and become more and more Christ like. Through our various discipleship training and leadership training programmes, Systematic teaching of the full content of the Bible are given to the thousands of students every year in order to make student Christ like.

Developing Student Leaders

ICPF focuses on developing Christian leadership skill in students. ICPF works as a facilitator to develop them as leaders to take up initiative to conduct prayer meetings in their campuses, assisting us in conducting various ICPF programs. By giving proper training, later these student leaders shall become strong leaders in different Christian Ministry.